


From San Jose, California, it's time to change the way you interact with the world using the most personalized mobile AI experience yet, only from Samsung Galaxy. Join the conversation in the comments below.

From San Jose, California, it's time to change the way you interact with the world using the most personalized mobile AI experience yet, only from Samsung Galaxy. Join the conversation in the comments below.

Kygo Toronto - Looking to trade VIP floor for seats

Have 2 VIP floor tickets looking to trade for 2 seat tickets

Vertigo Crime Constantine

I don't ever see anyone talking about this story. I personally liked it alot. It was definitely a product of its time. A modern sstory within the world of Constantine. There's a bunch of Vertigo Crime books out there. But I don't think they were a success for DC.

Does anybody know if the "Broadened Horizons" Hex Boost Override stacks, or is a 1 stack maximum type of thing? If I pick up multiple energy orbs will I get more than 10% AR for the 10s?



Negotiating Scholarships

I've been admitted to two schools of very similar rank (one ranked 91 and the other 94). the one ranked 94 gave me nearly 12,000$ more a year. however, i'd prefer to go to the other one. but for that close in ranking i can't suffer that accumulation of $. do i have a shot at negotiating since their ranked so close? how do i even go about doing this/any tips? (edit: they are in diff regions)

Fiddlesticks Match #7154

# DX_Bundle: 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 # DX_Config: EgA= # DX_Cached: Gp8BCpwBCpYBCAEqEhIHCgUNAADIQhoHCgUNAADIQhp+EnwIARJVCAQqFhIJCgcNAAAMQxABGgkKBw0AAAxDEAEaOSo3CiNodHRwczovL2kucmVkZC5pdC9ybnZ2YXVmZTZqemQxLmdpZhDwARjwASIKbG9hZGluZ+KApiIECAEQAUoHIzllY2M4ZVISCgcjOWVjYzhlEgcjOWVjYzhlEIAE

Sooo… he has an ally?

Seems like lots of you are on keto for diet reasons. Anyone on it for therapeutic reasons?

If so, what ketone levels are you aiming for? How long did you have to be in ketosis (or maybe in and out of ketosis) until you felt therapeutic benefit? Are you afraid that too much protein will throw you out of ketosis? Especially with wanting to build muscle on this diet. Anyone on keto even if they’re not overweight? I feel like most success stories I hear are from people who are overweight, go on keto, then receive great therapeutic benefits even though they did it for weight loss. I haven’t been able to eat much on keto because I sleep so much, and because of nausea. Any insight appreciated. I know there are lots of people who are struggling. Sorry to add to the lot. I just haven’t found someone else post with the same questions I have. Mental health sucks man.

[World] - Victoria’s anti-corruption watchdog charges 28 more people over allegations of bribes to register builders | Guardian

KTM's future hopes brighten as proposed investments near £ 1 Billion

In recent weeks KTM is reported to have gained significant interest from outside investors to help raise the money it needs to pay off the 30% of its debts - which stands at a confirmed €1.8 billion.

According to a fresh report from GPOne, KTM investors are thought to have pledged around €900 million.

Current shareholders Bajaj Auto and CFMoto are thought to be increasing their investments, while GPOne reports that several private equity firms could also get involved.


"> In recent weeks KTM is reported to have gained significant interest from outside investors to help raise the money it needs to pay off the 30% of its debts - which stands at a confirmed €1.8 billion. According to a fresh report from GPOne, KTM investors are thought to have pledged around €900 million. Current shareholders Bajaj Auto and CFMoto are thought to be increasing their investments, while GPOne reports that several private equity firms could also get involved. [Source](https://www.crash.net/motogp/news/1062198/1/ktms-future-hopes-brighten-proposed-investment-nears-eu1-billion)

Cherry tomatoes

Had great success with my cherry tomatoes! Does my plant need pruning? If so, how and where do I prune?

I only have two red tomatoes, the rest are green. Do I pluck the green tomatoes or wait for them to also turn red?

"> Had great success with my cherry tomatoes! Does my plant need pruning? If so, how and where do I prune? I only have two red tomatoes, the rest are green. Do I pluck the green tomatoes or wait for them to also turn red?

The numbers don't lie - there's a reason why 10,000+ customers rate monday.com 5 stars and use it as their work management platform. It’s the #1 platform to efficiently manage your team, work, and processes. Try it now!

The numbers don't lie - there's a reason why 10,000+ customers rate monday.com 5 stars and use it as their work management platform. It’s the #1 platform to efficiently manage your team, work, and processes. Try it now!

Are you *supposed* to bend silver cuff bracelets before/after you put them on?

Hey, I've never owned a cuff bracelet before. It's thin, sterling silver, with a small gap for my wrist to slide between. My wrist is quite small, so the bracelet easily slides several inches each way. **Currently, I can adjust this by bending the bracelet a bit tighter. But...is that bad practice?** Forgive my ignorance, but is this discouraged (i.e. damaging the silver)? Because I see so many other bracelets with impossibly tiny gaps; I don't know what the etiquette is. The maker of the bracelet is currently unresponsive. Thanks!

[UK] - Plymouth police search for suspect after serious assault in street | Guardian

Naomi Watts


Any idea why my River 2 Pro stopped working while I was reviewing it?

Brake light sometimes works

New issue with my 1990 2.9. Left brake light seems to only work half the time. It will work for a few minutes then I will see that it is not coming on as I brake. I flick my left turn signal on and then the brake light will work again for another few minutes. Loose wiring id imagine but if someone can give me a good idea of what to change first that would be appreciated.

is the esp32 and arduino board and the arducan mini plus good for an ai robot project

Can I essentially take the camera and just plug it into the arduino board and code an ai with tensor flow onto the arduino board?

Give me some Headcanons you have thought of for Rise Raphael please?

Indoor lemon tree grown from seed

Planted this beauty a few months back. I'd say it's doing good. Not too sure if it'll do good in the Georgia climate when I go to transplant it outside though.

Looking for good quality pair of these?

Looking for good quality pair of these?

It's time to build your website – let Hostinger AI Website Builder do it in minutes. Start for as low as $2.49/mo.

It's time to build your website – let Hostinger AI Website Builder do it in minutes. Start for as low as $2.49/mo.

underrated songs you’d wanna see live?

for me it probably phenomenon,shotgun or anything off of the unquestionable truth

Me watching players test my demo after designing the game to rely on build strategy 💀💀

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